This just appeared in my On A Cloud client area, looks like they're getting in early this Year! EOFY 60% off (for life) VPS & cPanel Hosting Sale!!!!
We're taking 60% off all our VPS & cPanel Hosting plans for the life of the service until the 30th June 2017.
Simply use the Coupon : EOFY17 on checkout to claim this offer.
Plans available for 60% EOFY Sale Coupon Are:
cPanel Cloud Hosting - Small
cPanel Cloud Hosting - Medium
cPanel Cloud Hosting - Large
cPanel Cloud Hosting - Extreme
WHM Reseller Cloud Hosting - WHM Small Reseller
WHM Reseller Cloud Hosting - WHM Medium Reseller
WHM Reseller Cloud Hosting - WHM Large Reseller
eCommerce Cloud Hosting - eCommerce Cloud 1
eCommerce Cloud Hosting - eCommerce Cloud 2
eCommerce Cloud Hosting - eCommerce Cloud 3
Virtual Cloud Servers - VPS Mini
Virtual Cloud Servers - VPS Small
Virtual Cloud Servers - VPS Medium
Virtual Cloud Servers - VPS Large
Virtual Cloud Servers - VPS Business
Virtual Cloud Servers - cPanel VPSNot to be used in conjection with any other offer.
Offer open to both New & Current Customers.
Offer only applies to new orders, Cannot be used for renewals or upgrades/downgrades to exisiting services.
Offer expires 30/06/2017 @ 11.59pm AEST